Thursday 13 September 2012

My cards for Lollipop challenge No 54

Challenge 54 at Lollipop Ladies is to use one colour from the Gobstopper picture and do a monochromatic card
I have chosen purple.  I made three sympathy cards yesterday and another one a few days ago, so thought as they were all purple I would use them for this challenge.  I only ever enter my cards in one challenge.

I have used different shades of purple card, stamps from the Our Daily Bread designs 2009 and an unmounted Stamp it Set. Sharing in your sorrow from Stampin Up set.  Butterflies embossing folder, ribbon, flowers and brads.
I used the butterflies on my cards as when my father died my 3 eldest grand daughters were only little and I used the butterfly as an example.   As a caterpillar dies a beautiful butterfly flies up into the sky.  When we die our body dies but our spirit flies up to heaven. 


  1. Lovely sentiments and butterflies. Thanks for joining in at Lollipop Ladies with your sympathy cards is purple!

  2. Purple works so well for sympathy cards. I hope these are for your stash and you haven't suffered so many loses recently. Thanks for playing at The Lollipop Ladies!

    1. Thank you Lauren. They were all sent out. There have been four deaths over the last week. Not our family but friends or friends family. Two older people and two younger than I am who lost their battle with cancer.

  3. Hi Margaret,
    What beautiful Sympathy cards. Sorry that they were all sent out to friends that have passed away. :(

  4. Lilac is a much softer option for Sympathy cards ,black can be a bit stark.They are all simple but sensitive to the situation.Thanks for playing along at TLL.

  5. You have done a beautiful job on these cards. So sorry to here of these losses close to you, I'm sure these cards were very appreciated. They have such a calming look to them, well done. Thanks for playing along at Lollipop Ladies, hopefully next time you play along they will be for a happy occasion. Life is so up and down. Take care.

  6. Very nice and beautiful cards - the butterflies are perfect and your thoughts about butterflies says it all. Sorry you had to send these out -- I am sure they brought them comfort.


  7. It is such an emotional time when we loose loved ones, but isn't it lovely that you have used your talent and skills to create such beautiful cards to remind people you love them :) Margaret, they are all lovely but I especially love the last one with the butterfly. Thanks for playing along with us at The Lollipop Ladies :)


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