Tuesday 5 February 2013

Cards made today

No challenges today.  Just made some birthday cards.
These three are quick cards I made for children.

I can't remember where I downloaded the first digi stamp from.  The other two are Digi stamps from Make It Crafty 60s girlfriends.  My eyes are very fuzzy again today so the colouring is not too good.

I tried to do something different with the next card but it didn't turn out how I wanted it to.
Used Darkroom Door doily stamps and Happy Birthday and  Bizzy Bec's digi stamp on Distress stains background.

I started my new tablets last night for the pain and to help me sleep.  I took one at about 11 pm, went to bed and woke at 12.30 pm and about 2.30 am.  The tablets took the edge off the pain.  I then woke about 5.30 and the bad pain was back so I got up at 6 am.  I have been fuzzy headed and feeling drowsy all day.
We went back to Centrelink this morning and now because I am not working and my husband is only on a low income we will receive a very small part pension.
After Centrelink went for my blood test.  The lady had only been doing it for one month and couldn't find my veins so she called the man in charge.  He found one in my arm but couldn't get enough blood so had to take some from my hand as well.
The Specialist thinks that as well as the arthritis I have Fibromyalgia and the swelling in my legs and feet is Lymphodema (They removed my lymph glands when I had the cancer).  I have to also have 2 MRI scans and another scan some time next week.
I am glad I have my craft to keep me occupied.


  1. Wow, you are certainly coping it at the moment Margaret! I really feel for you with the Myalga - very painful I believe. My MIL has Lymphodema and struggles too, but they have her on diuretics and they seem to help, along with measuring the fluid intake. Take your music to the scan and it will go quickly! It is amazing what medical science can do now isn't it. Your cards are great - and yes, as a craft it certainly helps to take ons mind off ones troubles!

  2. I think your cards are beautiful. You did an amazing job on them :)

    It breaks my heart to read that you are in pain. Hope you don't mind if I pray for you.

    The biggest of hugs

  3. Your cards are all so pretty! I love the images of the little girls. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon :)

  4. Such pretty , lively cards in gorgeous spring colours.

  5. These cards are great. I haven't had a look at any blogs in a few weeks. Have to catch up.


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