Sunday 3 February 2013

Cuddlebug Cuties Sunday Linky Party

It's Cuddlebug Cuties Sunday Linky Party again today.
Pop over and add your blog to the link
I only managed to do two cards today but finished off a couple of books for my Stamps 'n' Stuff bookclub.
I haven't used Cuddlebug Cuties images on these but I have some images printed out ready to make during the week when I get a chance.  This week I have doctor tomorrow, Centrelink Tuesday, Chiropractor on Wednesday, Dentist on Friday.   If I have to have x-rays after the doctor I will do that on Thursday.  So I may not get many cards made this week.  It's good I don't have to go to work.  I will post my card for this week's Feeling Sketchy sketch later tonight.  
 Card 1 was for Cute Stampers Card of the fortnight "Tones of blue with a touch of pink".  Paper from Petite Websters Papers Collection Combo pack "Western Romance and All About Me" which was free with Australian Cards Only. La La Land stamps "Dress Up Marci", flower ribbon, Stamp World "Best wishes" punched and flower brads.

Card 2 was a quick birthday card for a friend in the Rubber Stamp Book Club.  Make It Crafty digital stamp "Cynthia" from the 60s girlfriends set.  Penny Black "Happy Birthday".  I tried to use different colours to my purples and pinks but still managed to include mauve.


  1. Adorable cards! I especially love the second one. I really enjoy the anime look. My son got me into it with his love of all things anime'. You did a great job coloring these.

    1. Thank you. My second grand daughter also loves anime. She does beautiful anime drawings.

  2. Both Cards are very beautiful. I saw the second one one the Cuddlebug Cuties Blog.

    Hugs Dagmar

  3. Beautiful cards. I love them both. And I really like the mauve on the second one :)

    Good luck with your busy doctor week. Hope they all go well.


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