Wednesday 24 April 2013

ATCs with Attitude No 38 - April Showers

This is my ATC for the ATCs with Attitude challenge No 38 - April Showers.
In my craft group Stamps 'n' Stuff Book club we have an ATC swap each month and have been doing the alphabet.  This month we are up to U.  I coloured the image last Friday at Stamp Club at Russell Vale and finished off the ATCs today.  I thought it was just right for the ATCs with Attitude Challenge No 38 - April Showers.
I made the U with word art.
I printed out Heather Valentin's digi "Emily Rainy Day" from Lacy Sunshine (the official and only authorized shop to sell Heather Valentin images) and coloured with markers.


  1. A super ATC Margaret, I love the colours you've chosen for Emily x

  2. What a cute image! Love the idea of an alphabet swap...may just have to steal that one!

  3. Beautiful Margaret, and it is perfect for "April Showers"


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