Sunday 28 April 2013

Trimgym April challenge - Anything goes

April challenge at Trimgym is Anything goes using a Trimgym image.  You can request a free image from Jo.
I stayed at Lynda's last night and we have been out at the camping and caravan show most of the day.  I made two cards tonight one for this challenge and one for next week's feeling sketchy challenge which I will post on my blog tomorrow night.

This is the simple card I made for the Trimgym April challenge

I printed Trimgym stamps "Mouse girl" and the sentiments from the Mouse girl set.  Plus a daffodil.  Coloured them with distress markers and added flower brads.

You still have 3 days to join the challenge so come on over and join in.  You can request a free digi from Trimgym.


  1. Fab card Margaret. Thank you for joining in again and as you said, let's hope some more people will.



  2. A super card Margaret, the image is so cute x


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