Tuesday 28 May 2013

Delicious Doodles No 37 - Steam Punk

This is my card for Delicious Doodles No 37 - Steam Punk
I have embossed black card with Sissix Tim Holtz Alterations "Steampunk" embossing folder.  Added washi tape.  Printed out Delicious Doodles stamps "Malice" inside "Chain and Cog border".  Coloured Malice with Copics and Distress Markers and layered onto black card.  Cut pieces from Delicious Doodles digi "Steampunk" paper and layered over the top.  Layered all onto white card..  


  1. A fantastic card Margaret. I love the wonderful image and the cogs x

  2. Wow stunning project! Love the cogs. Thank you so much for sharing with us at this weeks Steam punk challenge at Delicious doodles and good luck. Hugs


  3. wow really cool card! Love the use of the border with the image! Sorry I'm late doing my commenting!!!

    Thanks for joining at Delicious doodles challenges. Hope you will join us next time. DT Crafting Vicky

  4. What a gorgeous card you have made here. It fits our challenge this week well of “steampunk”. Thanks for taking part. Best wishes, Kym (Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog Design Team Member)


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