Monday 24 June 2013

Feeling Sketchy No 63 inspiration post.
It is my turn to do an inspiration post for you today.  I  have a couple of projects to share with you. Both projects are using images from Heather Valentin at  Lacy Sunshine our wonderful sponsor for this month.
This is the current sketch

The first one is a card using the current sketch (No. 63) which I have turned sideways and used Heather's lovely digi "bubbles flowers"
Green card embossed with butterflies.  Layered digi papers "Cherry Bloom Coral" and "Dotty Coral"  from Imagine That's Spring in Bloom paper set.  Printed "Bubbles Flowers" onto white card and coloured her with markers.  Layered her onto pink card then layered over top of green card and digi paper, added flowers and brads.  Green card was then layered onto pink card.

The second one is a scrapbook page also using the sketch and I have used Heather's digi "Eleanor the Artist"
Typed title onto pink card.  Layered digi paper "flower pattern" from Whimsy stamps "MCG fruit punch paper set onto pink card.  Put digi paper "broad lines" from Trimgym across.  Added Heather's digi "Eleanor the Artist" and coloured her with markers and added photo.  

I hope these projects inspire you to join in our current challenge, all entries earn themselves an entry into this months random prize draw which has generously been sponsored by Lacy Sunshine
Come over to Feeling Sketchy and see the winners of sketch No 62
The prize on offer this month is a $20 gift voucher to spend at the Lacy Sunshine store. The top 4 picks for this challenge will also earn themselves an extra entry into the draw so make sure you get an entry in and you never know you just might find yourself in our top 4.
I hope you will join us in this challenge you have 6 days to go.

I also want to enter the scrapbook page into Lacey Sunshine challenge No 11 Anything goes 


  1. Really loving these Margaret! Both are beautiful but I particularly love the scrapbook's wonderful!

    Thank you for joining us over at the Lacy Sunshine Challenge. Good luck.

  2. Both projects are fabulous Margaret with great interpretations of the sketch for the layouts. it's a lovely photo of the girls having fun x

  3. Gorgeous cards and images Margaret. Visiting from MIM..Loz

  4. Fantastic cards, I do love the images. Popped over from mim. Joey xx

  5. Super job on both of these Margaret!
    Love how you made both of them.
    Very nice!

  6. Gorgeous scrapbook page Margaret..dont they look wonderful with their faces all painted..such fun.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Make it Monday..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  7. Such pretty creations and the subjects are too cute on the page.
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 600-Follower Give-Away. Thank you so much if you already have entered and good luck.}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  8. Dropping by from MIM. Those are 2 cutie, cuties in your scrapbook layout and I love the papers you chose. Your image works so well with your photo of the girls with their painted faces!
    {Hugs} Barb

  9. It's fantastic! Nice work! I saw it on Make it Monday.


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