Friday 19 July 2013

Lollipop Ladies No 72 Pirate lollipops (with water) my second post

This challenge is running longer than normal as there is also a design team call.   You still have 3 days to enter your project.  If you would like to be considered for the design team just put DT after your name when you add your card or other project to Mr Linky which is on the top right hand side of the Lollipop challenge site.

I am way behind with my scrapbooking so I have done a scrapbook page for my second project.
I couldn't find the photos of my grand daughter Emily who was dressed as a pirate for one of her birthday parties but I remembered that she did a pirate dance in her dance concert in November 2011.  She did the choreography for the dance and also organised the costumes for her and her friend.  She is the one on the right with the brown boots.  It took me a long time but I finally found the photos.  I found the picture of water on Google.  The title is a digi stamp from Create with TLC Pirate Play set.  The pirate ship came already coloured from Pink Gem.  I just had to put all the pieces together which took me a while.
It was a lovely sunny morning when we left here at 9.30 am to go to the eye specialist for my 10 am appointment.    By the time I came out at mid day after all the tests and waiting to see the specialist it was dark, cold and pouring rain.   My eyes are still blurry from the drops.  My pressure (glucoma) was up a bit but the macular degeneration is stable.  Hasn't turned to wet yet, thankfully.

Come over to Lollipop Ladies and see all the other lovely cards and scrapbooking page by the other members of the current design team.


  1. Glad to hear that the eye problem is stable. We had quite a nice day here. The scrap page is fabulous - and your gd did very well to organize all that - looks great fun! Great page.

  2. It turned into a lovely layout Margaret and worth the effort.

  3. Such a sweet layout! And your little Pirate Princess is beautiful.


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