Tuesday 6 August 2013

Happy birthday card

I found a new challenge site
Challenge 180 is create a birthday themed project with a number on it
Everyone who enters will receive a lovely Sassy Designs image Boom Box Sassy for free.  Come on over and join the challenge and also the blog hop.
I made this card today.
Embossed purple card with Cuttlebug cup cakes embossing folder and layered onto black card.  Printed Birthday Cake Sassy onto white card plus the number 19 and coloured with markers.  Layered her onto blue card and then the purple card.  Printed out Create with TLC image Happy Birthday to you, coloured with markers and layered onto purple card.
It is my eldest grand daughter's birthday is on 20 August and her favourite colours are purple, blue and black, which is why I have make this card in these colours.

I  am also going to put this card into 613 Avenue Create challenge Anything goes with a sentiment
Just for fun's first challenge Anything goes 

I also added it to the link on Make it Monday


  1. Lovely card, especially for a fan of purple! lol Thanks for joining our first challenge at "Just For Fun!"

    Elaine xx

  2. Beautiful card,love the image. Thanks for sharing with us at Just for Fun.xxx

  3. Beautifully colored, Margaret! I really love this! Quite talented you are! xxxooo

  4. Fabulous card and coloring. Visiting from MIM for a look..Loz

  5. Fabulous card! Purple is also my favorite! Love the embossed cupcakes! Thanks for joining us at The Corrosive Challenge!

  6. This is so beautiful Margaret! Love the purples.

  7. Great card I love the colors you used and the embossing sure adds to your card.I seen your card on the Make it Monday challenge and thought I would take a closer look. Nicely done.

  8. Lovely card, my fav colour :) thanks for joining us at JFF, good luck with your entry, DT Mandz xox

  9. Great card and love the colour combination you've used. Thanks for joining us over at Just For Fun Karen DT member xx

  10. This is gorgeous! love your colouring! Thanks for joining us at Just For Fun Challenge Blog. Mo xxx

  11. Wonderful project! Thanks for dropping this off by our house at 613 Avenue Create! We look forward to your next visit.
    Chana, Owner


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