Tuesday 20 August 2013

Sassy Studio Designs No 190 - Reading

Challenge 190 at Sassy Studio Designs is Reading
This is the card I made today.
I printed out a picture from google of bookshelves.  Printed out Sassy Studio Design digital stamp "Velma" which I won on the last blog hop.  Coloured her with markers and layered over books.  Layered picture of books over the top.  Printed out Sentiment from Create With TLC "Reading is Fun" digital set and layered on top.  Layered all onto red card.


  1. Great card. I made a card a while back for a challenge using the same idea. (photo of bookshelves in the background)See it here. http://latestwhims.blogspot.com/2013/05/read-book.html
    Thanx for joining us at Sassy Studio Designs and congrats on the Velma win.
    the SSD lil brother
    Greg T


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