Tuesday 3 September 2013

Delicious Doodles challenge 51 Anything Floral

Delicious Doodles challenge 51 is Anything Floral
This is the card I made today
Layered digi Poppy Paper which was free a while back from Delicious Doodles.  Printed Delicious Doodles digi stamp "Poppy" twice on white and coloured the first image with markers.  Coloured the flowers from the second image, cut them out and layered over first image. Layered onto Poppy paper.  Printed Happy Birthday on the computer and layered on top.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, what a pretty card you have made. I love this image of Teri's and also the backing paper. It fits the Delicious Doodles Challenge this week well of “anything floral”. Thank you for taking part and best wishes in the draw. Kym (Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog Design Team Member)


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