Thursday 19 September 2013

Flutterby Wednesdays 253

Challenge 253 at Flutterby Wednesdays is anything goes with a fairy or butterfly.
This is my card I finished today
I actually started it for the challenge at Tiddly Inks but didn't finish it in time.
I can't remember where the background paper came from.   The fairy stamp and sentiment are from Tiddly Inks digital set "Fairy Heartfelt".  I coloured her with Distress markers and copic for the skin.


  1. How fun, especially since I saw a full rainbow this morning! Great card!! Thank you for playing along as often as you do with my Flutter By Wednesday Challenge!

  2. Fun, colorful card. You did a very nice job coloring your little fairy image. Thank you for joining in our challenge this week at Flutter By Wednesday.

  3. So pretty. Love the rainbow background, so cool and retro looking. Thanks for joining us at Flutterby Wednesdays.


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