Monday 2 September 2013

Lacy Sunshine No 16.

It is time for a new challenge at Lacy Sunshine No 16 is dies and/or punches
I had to send my card early and it is spotlighted in the message showing the winners of No 15.
This is the card I made
I printed Lacy Sunshine digi stamp Daisy Sue Flowerpot pretty by Heather Valentin onto white card.  Coloured her with markers and layered her onto green card.  I cut a circle in purple card and embossed it with Cuttlebug daisies.  I layered the purple card over the top of Daisy Sue and added punched flowers with rhinestones in the middle.  Stamped Stampin Up Happy Birthday onto green card and punched out with Stampin Up oval punch.  Layered this over yellow card punched with Stampin Up oval punch and layered onto purple card.  Added punched butterfly and rhinestones on it wings.

I am a bit late putting my card onto my blog.   It is 12.05 am here in Sydney.  We went down to my eldest daughter's house for dinner for fathers' day and didn't get back home till 11.45 pm..

I hope you will go over to the Lacy Sunshine challenge and join in.

Also Heather has a special on from today until Monday 9pm (it is now Monday in Sydney) buy 2 of her digi stamps and email her and she will send you a free one.


  1. Margaret! this is such a darling your coloring and the layout. beautiful work. Thank you so much for being our special Spotlighted Guest Designer at Lacy Sunshine. It was an honor to have you.


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