Thursday 10 October 2013

100 followers - blog give away

I am excited I  have 100 followers, I never thought this would happen when I started my blog.  I note that others give away a gift when they reach milestones so I am going to give a $10 gift voucher from Doodle Pantry who has lovely digital stamps.

Just add a comment to this post if you would like to go into the draw to win the voucher.

Thank you all for following me and thank you for all your comments.   I do read every one when I approve them.  I had to put moderation onto my blog as I was receiving too many spam messages.

I haven't done any craft today as I have been to the dentist this morning.  He was running late so I was late getting back home.   We arrived home just in time for Tony to go to work.

I hope to see many of you go into the draw.

Best wishes


  1. I didn't realise you had a blog Margaret, but am happy to follow your journey now.

  2. I love your work always do such awesome work.
    I receive your email updates which I enjoy a lot.

  3. Congratulations Margaret! I enjoy following your blog!

  4. Margaret that is wonderful news congratulations. You probably have many more followers with Bloglovin and other blog following programs

  5. I just looked and you have 102 Followers! Congratulations.
    What a nice thing to do. Thank you. You know I love your cards. :)

  6. Congratulations on all your followers Margaret, you've gone over the 100 now, I see.
    I hope it was just a routine check up at the dentist x

  7. Big grats to you Margaret for reaching over 100 followers, such a pleasure to follow, thanks for hte chance to win some lovely candy. I hope all went well for you too at the Dentist xx

  8. Congrats for reaching a good milestone of blog followers! I see your posting of cards quite regularly. I don't know how you can keep up with it all.

  9. Congrats on reaching over 100 followers, take care Louise x

  10. Congrats on reaching over 100 followers, lovely blog :-) xxx


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I read them all and really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I have had to put comment moderation onto my blog as I had some spam messages. I will approve messages as soon as possible.
Anonymous messages are not allowed on this blog.