Sunday 20 October 2013

100 followers giveaway WINNER

Thank you to everyone who put a comment on my 100 followers giveaway post.  I put all the names into a box and drew out one.

And the winner is......   B Douglas.

Please send me an email and I will send you the gift certificate for the digi stamps.
Also please leave a comment on this post so I can go have a look for your email.

I appreciate all the comments I receive.  I always read every one when I approve them even if I don't get a chance to reply to them.

I have been off line for one week and really missed everyone

Have a good week and thank you for following my blog.  

Keep following as I am on the design team for Feeling Sketchy and we are having a blog hop starting on
7 November and there will be more prizes.


  1. Thank you so much Margaret! ... and again...Congratulations on 100 followers!!

  2. Thank you. I have sent you an email in reply to yours.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I read them all and really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I have had to put comment moderation onto my blog as I had some spam messages. I will approve messages as soon as possible.
Anonymous messages are not allowed on this blog.