Sunday 5 January 2014

Grand daughters and friends let loose with paint to paint Lynda's garage wall

My daughter Lynda wanted the back wall of her garage painted so she let 4 teenagers  and one 5 year old loose with paints (5 year old was supervised).
This is what they come up with

Sian 14 is Lynda's daughter, Emily 17 is Angela's daughter, Chloe and Bridget are 17 year old twins, friends of Emily and Brianna 5 is Angela's daughter.

All except Bridget had been very sick up until the day they did it so they have done a good job.

Angela, Emily and Brianna came down on Christmas day and stayed at Lynda's until yesterday.  Chloe and Bridget came to Lynda's on 28 and stayed till yesterday when they went home with Angela..

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