Wednesday 26 February 2014

Word Art Wednesday 121 - Anything goes

Word Art Wednesday 121 - Anything goes with encouraging or uplifting words

I made this C&S card.  Embossed black card with music embossing folder.  Printed Digi Darla''s digital image "Life is like a piano" onto white, cute out and layered onto black card.  layered all onto white card.

I posted this card to my nephew today for his birthday.

I would also like to add this card to Digi Darla's challenge 103 Make it masculine


  1. Great image and great embossing!
    Thanks for joining us at Digi Darla’s

  2. That is one great EB. Super card. Thank you for sharing this wonderful art with us at Word Art Wednesday today. Blessings, Carole DT


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