Saturday 15 March 2014

More images from Daydream Designs March releases

This is the second card I made today with some of the new images from Daydream Designs.

I have layered precoloured digi stamp and sentiments from Daydream Designs "Christ is risen" onto one of the papers from Daydream Designs "Easter Morning Papers" - "Lilly white".  Layered all onto purple card.
(the paper doesn't show very well in the scan, it has a faint stripe through it)

These sets are great value $3 US for the paper set - 10 papers.
$4 US for the Christ is Risen set which has pre coloured plus black and white images for you to colour plus 8 sentiments.

I would like to enter this card into the challenge at Word Art Wednesday

and Crafty Hazelnut's monthly patterned paper challenge


  1. Oh, Margaret, I LOVE this. I love the way you've layered the sentiments over the cross and lilies. That is so pretty. Beautiful job staging these images. An absolutely gorgeous card! Thanks for the shout out!

  2. I absolutely love this Margaret

  3. Beautiful card, simply stunning. Thank you so much with sharing your talents with us at Word Art Wednesday and looking forward to seeing more of your creations again next week. Have a blessed week! Laura

  4. This is absolutely beautiful, Margaret. Your cards are always SO lovely, and I can't thank you enough for stopping by to share with us. May God bless your week, and please stop by again soon. Hugs to you!
    Word Art Wednesday

  5. Perfect Easter card - thanks for sharing for my Patterned Paper March challenge x


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