Tuesday 1 April 2014

Guest designer for challenge No 4 at The East Wind April 1 to April 10

I was happy to be invited to be a guest designer for this month at The East Wind

Challenge No 4 is Use a Sentiment and if you are a newsletter subscriber and used the free stamp last month to make a card you will have received the free image "Aurora Easter Egg Hunt".  If you are not already a newsletter subscriber, subscribe now and you will receive this lovely image from The East Wind.

This is the card I made for the design team with the lovely freebie.

Have coloured her with markers, layered onto Easter papers added brads and sentiment.

I hope that you will go over to The East Wind blog and see all the lovely cards by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add this card into Crafting when we can challenge - for a child

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly patterned paper challenge


  1. What a cute card! love the papers and the layout! Thanks for being a guest DT at The East Wind! mo dt xxx

  2. This is so cute, Love the details with the easter bunny buttons and colours. Thanks for being a GD at The East Wind. Bettina xx

  3. Adorable, Margaret! Love the soft pastels and sweet little bunny embellies. thanks so much for joining us as Guest DT at The East Wind. xxD

  4. Thank you so much for joining my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge for April with your lovely creation - hope to see you again soon x

  5. So very adorable! What a cute image and I love the papers you chose. Thanks for joining us at Crafting When We Can and good luck. Hugs, Robin


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