Tuesday 8 April 2014

Prizes have been announced for the Daydream Design Blog Hop

Thank you to all those who left a message on my blog during the Spring Has Sprung Blog hop.  I hope you all enjoyed the blog hop and the free images that were on each site.

Remember these images are just for those who joined the hop.  Please do not share them.

Diane has picked the prizewinners of the other prizes and the list is now on her blog
so don't forget to go over and check to see if you have won a prize.

Also she has cards made with one of her other sets from her shop.

Have a good week.

Best wishes

Margaret A

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Thank you for taking the time to comment. I read them all and really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I have had to put comment moderation onto my blog as I had some spam messages. I will approve messages as soon as possible.
Anonymous messages are not allowed on this blog.