Saturday 10 May 2014

Aurora Wings challenges

The challenge on the Aurora Wings facebook group is shades of blue

and challenge 2 on the Aurora wings challenge blog  is Monochromatic

so I will enter my card in both

I have layered Aurora Wings stamp "Ribbon Mermaid" onto water paper, coloured her with chalks, markers and twinkling H2Os.  Added punched dolphin and layered all onto blue card.


  1. WOW! that water paper couldn't be more perfect, Margaret! She really looks like she's swimming and I love the little dolphin you added. Thanks so much for joining our Monochromatic Challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD

  2. Such a serene card, the shades of blue are perfect as is that rippled water background!

  3. Way to go, Margaret! Two challenges with one creation! It works perfectly here. Love the water paper and the shades of blue for this mermaid - very refreshing and gets me in the mood for summer. Thank you for joining Aurora Wings' "Monochromatic" challenge. Good luck! Mitzi xx

  4. Hi Margaret it is nice to see you joining us in the Aurora Wings Challenge and with such a fantastic card, I love how you have coloured the image and the little dolphin is super.
    Janet xxx

  5. This is gorgeous Margaret, love the image and the background is fabulous!
    Linda xxx


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