Friday 16 May 2014

Craftitude challenge 65 Anything goes/That's die-licious

Caftitude challenge 65 Anything Goes/That's die-licious (something cut with a die cut)

Our sponsors for this fortnight are
Milk Coffee
The East Wind

I was given a lovely stamp from Milk Coffee to use on my ATC

Have printed Milk Coffee stamp Fairy Tiffany on white card and coloured with markers.  Cut oval in yellow card and embossed with Cuttlebug roses.  Added die cut label and ribbon.  Printed out more roses from the Fairy Tiffany image and layered onto label.  Layered all onto purple card.

I hope you will go over to Craftitude and see the lovely cards and ATCs by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my ATC to the challenge at Fairies challenges - ladies

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