Monday 5 May 2014

Unstampabelles May challenge

The challenge at Unstampabelles this month is a special person card or project

My mother is in heaven but my eldest daughter's birthday is the day after Mothers' day.  She was born on the Friday before Mothers' day.  She is very special to me.
Both my daughters and my 4 grand daughters are all very special to me.

I have layered papers from Graphic 45 "A Ladies' Diary" 8x8 paper pad onto light pink card.  Added washi tape and layered all onto dark pink card.

I hope you will go over to Unstampabelles and see the lovely projects by the design team and join in the challenge by making your special card or project.   It can be for mothers' day or similar but doesn't have to be that.  Can be for a male or female, but please say on your blog why that person is special to you.

It may be a card, scrapbook page or project but it must be paper based.  


  1. Love how you've made the patterned paper do all the work for you! Great card.


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