Thursday 31 July 2014

More new sets at Daydream Designs

This card uses parts from four of the new sets at Daydream Designs

Life is Sew Sweet Dress forms, Life is so Sweet Sewing Machines, Sew Sweet papers and Sewing notions.

Diane very generously gave all of these sets to the design team.

I would like to add this card to the following challenges:

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly patterned paper challenge

Fan-tastic Tuesday 46 anything goes

Suzi Bee's Bloomin Challenge 39 anything goes

Word Art Wednesday anything goes with an encouraging or uplifting sentiment   


  1. This is absolutely adorable!

  2. Diane's art make card making so much fun. You have as usual gone the extra mile. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creation with us today.
    Blessings, Carole, Word Art Wednesday


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