Monday 21 July 2014

Unstampabelles July challenge - I could have danced all night - with the twist to use ribbon - Mid way post

This is my midway post for Unstampabelles July challenge - I could have danced all night - with the twist to use ribbon.

Our sponsor this month is Flourish with a Bling

I have done a scrapbook page of my youngest grand daughter aged 5 who loves to dance.

Have layered photos onto paper from Scribble and Scrap, layered onto pink and then white, added pearl bling from Flourish with a Bling and ribbon.

I hope you will go over to Unstampabelles and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.  You still have some time to join in this challenge which ends on 1 August.

Remember NO STAMPS allowed.

I would like to enter this into Scribble and Scrap challenge 23 anything goes


  1. A great scrap page and I love the look of concentration to keep the tea set firmly in place!

  2. This is so lovely. Fab photos and great layout. Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.

  3. Great layout Margaret and great memories of your grand daughter. Mine love dancing too. Must be a girl thing x


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