Monday 22 September 2014

Digitally Sweet 106, Aud Sentiments 115 and others

Image, papers and embellishment are from Polkadoodles Work and Play Collection 1 CD.

I found the sentiment on google which took me to

I would like to add this card to the following challenges:

Digitally Sweet Challenge 106 - Rock it out

Aud Sentiments Challenge 115 - for the men in your life

CD Sunday challenge - birthday card for a male (must use something from a CD)

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly patterned paper challenge.


  1. You have been busy Margaret, great digi card here.xxThe Journey is the Start

  2. Lovely to see you joining us again Margaret. Great card for a young man. Not got this CD but could be another on the wish list. Thank you for sharing it with us at CD Sunday. Wynn DT x

  3. Lovely card. Thank you for your message on my Blog regarding the freebie from Cardmaker's Delights. I have sent a copy of your message on to Tracy. Judy x

  4. Just a quick heads up for you. Tracy has now responded to your comment on my Blog. Do pop over and take a look. Tracy at Cardmaker's Delights I have always found to be a brilliant seller and so easy to deal with. Hope this resolves it for you. x Judy

  5. Thank you for joining us at Digitally Sweet this week. Great fun card!

  6. What a fun card, love the font and the music note additions too. Thank you for joining us at Digitally Sweet Challenges!

  7. What a great fun card. I really like this one. Thank you for joining us at CD Sunday.
    Jocelyn x
    CD Sunday DT

  8. Great layout for a card , i love this CD, Thanks for joining us at CD Sunday.
    sue-b xx

  9. Lovely to see you again Margaret and thank you for joining in with our challenge. A fun card to make and receive.
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday DT

  10. What a fabulous card! Thank you for joining us at Digitally Sweet!

  11. Lovely to see someone from Australia joining in with us. Your card is super and as I haven't any of Polkadoodles CD's I can see I will have to check them out.
    Thanks for joining us at CD Sunday.
    Christine xx
    CD Sunday DT

  12. Rock on, a super cool card. Thanks for playing along with us at MTTC. Caz

  13. Fab the drummer girl image you used. Thanks a bunch for joining us at Digitally Sweet Challenges!

  14. Great card and from a great cd, thanks for joining in with us at CD Sunday.
    Jenny x
    CD Sunday DT

  15. Thank you so much for joining my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper September challenge with your super creation - hope to see you again soon x


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