Saturday 4 October 2014

World Card Making Day - Free images and challenge at Diane's Daydream Designs

Today is card making day.  (It is nearly over here in Sydney, Australia.)  Diane at Diane's Daydream Designs has made two new sets especially for today and she  is offering a free stamp and sentiment from one of those sets on her blog
This will be available until Monday 6 October at 10 am (Central Time zone)

Helen has made some journal mats to go with the sets.

If you make a project with any Diane's Daydream Designs image (free ones count) and leave a comment (On Diane's blog) with a link to your project you will be entered into a drawing to win all three digi sets.    See Diane's blog for the information.

You might also want to stop by our friend Deedee Digis Blog this weekend.  She is also celebrating World Card Making Day.  Double your chance of fun and winnings.

Here are three quick cards I made with images from two of Diane's new sets.

Card 1 - Papers from Diane's Daydream Designs Fall Papers.  Image and sentiment from Hedgehog Happiness.
Cards 2 and 3 papers, images and sentiments from Diane's Daydream Designs Hedgehog Fall Frolics set.
I hope you will go over to and see the lovely cards by Diane, Gail and Helen, download the free stamp and sentiment and join in the challenge.

I would like to enter these cards into the following challenges

Anything Goes with a twist challenge 1 - anything goes

Buckwell's Crafty Challenge 1 - anything goes

Crafty Girls challenge 28 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly patterned paper challenge

Cute Card Thursday 341 Spots and Dots

Word Art Wednesday - anything goes with an encouraging or uplifting sentiment


  1. I love the burlap colored texture behind the hedgehogs in the middle card. Great cards.

  2. Cute, cute, cute! Thanks Margaret for joining in the fun and giving us some fabulous inspiration. Love all your WCMD cards!

  3. wow such pretty cards! your colouring is amazing! Thankyou for joining us Anything Goes With A Twist Lynda DT xx

  4. These are so cute Margaret, what adorable hedgehogs. Thanks for joining in our first challenge at Buckwell's Crafty Challenge, hope to see you for our next one too! Susan x


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