Saturday 1 November 2014

Beccy's Place - a month of holiday cards - day 1

A month of holiday cards challenge has started at Beccy's place

Each day Beccy will give a theme and show a sample card.  Theme for card 1 is clean and simple
This is a great challenge.  I joined in last year and hope to do a card each day this year

Have embossed green card with Sissex thin ice embossing folder.
Printed Beccy's Place precoloured digi Angel with lights, cut out and layered onto green card.
Printed sentiment from Daydream Designs Rudy's sentiments, cut in half and layered on top.

I am still sick so was glad to have a simple theme for the first card.  Also it is very hot here in Sydney today.

I would also like to enter this card into the following challenges:

Addicted to Stamps and More - clean and simple

Christmas card challenges 48 - anything goes

Crafter's Cafe challenge 88 - Things with wings

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything goes

Inspiration Destination challenge 5 - anything goes

Fab 'n' Funky challenge 235 - Christmas


  1. Sweet Angel, pretty card, thanks for joining us at The Crafters Cafe this week.

  2. I love that background Granmargaret, what a wonderful embossing folder! I really like the way you added the sentiment too, great font. Thanks for being the first to post a card!

  3. Love that embossed background and the sentiment is really sweet. Thank you so much for joining in our Christmas challenge at Fab 'n' Funky. We look forward to seeing you again in future challenges. Hugs, Wends x Fab 'n' Funky DT

  4. What a cute image...really like the embossed background with it! So happy you could join us at Addicted to Stamps and More!

  5. What a fun image! Thanks for sharing your fabulous card and joining us for our current challenge at Inspiration Destination. Hope to see you again and good luck!
    IDCB Owner

  6. A cute card. I like your embossed background and the sweet image. Great sentiment

  7. Lovely image and great embossing too. Such a wonderful card.

    Thanks for playing along at Inspiration Destination. Lynn, DT member

  8. Thank you for sharing your lovely crafting for my CHNC challenge extra for November - hope to see you again soon x


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