Sunday 16 November 2014

Beccy's Place - month of holiday cards - day 16

Day 16 at Beccy's Place is use some left over scraps of paper

Sponged white card with red and green distress ink, added five torn pieces of left over pattern papers on top.  Swiped versamark ink pad across and heat embossed with white embossing powder (to look like snow).  Printed precoloured image from Beccy's Place Finn's Scarf set, cut out and layered on top.  Printed out sentiment from same set, sponged with red distress ink and layered on top.  Added Christmas ribbon and layered all onto green card.

I have made a bit of a mess with this card.  Added too much embossing powder so you can't see the patterns on the pattern paper very well.

I would also like to add this card into the challenge at:

C.R.A.F.T. 285 - Christmas

Fan-tastic Tuesday 61 - anything goes with a twist add ribbon

Naughty or Nice November challenge - Festive furballs

Paradise of Stamps No 6 - winter


  1. Love the expression on his face! I wish I felt this upbeat about the coming festivities myself. Love your card, thanks for playing along at Naughty or Nice Challenge, Jo x

  2. It looks like you had a great time creating this card Granmargaret, it's very artsy. I love all the inking and embossing you did, it's very creative and gives your card lots of texture and interest. Every now and then I love to drag out different mediums and have a play... I don't really enjoy cleaning up the mess at the end though!

  3. I really like the snow effect of the white embossing over the patterned paper! Very sweet card. Thanks for joining us at Naughty or Nice Challenges!

  4. This little penguin is adorable.

  5. Hi, Granmargaret! Check out the look on that penguin's face! LOL He makes me smile :) Fantastic card! So glad you joined us at Naughty or Nice Challenges :)


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