Wednesday 19 November 2014

Digi Stamps 4 Joy is sponsoring the challenge at Inspiration Destination this week.

Digi Stamps 4 Joy is sponsoring the anything goes challenge number 8 at Inspiration Destination this week starting today
I am on the Digi Stamps 4 Joy design team and have made a sample card for this challenge

I have layered  precoloured digis from Digi Stamps 4 Joy onto music score from Create with TLC Music speaks vintage and then onto pink circle.   Layered the circles onto paper from Pininkie Musical notes paper set.  Added sentiment from Create with TLC Music speaks vintage set.
Added music notes.
The Digi Stamps 4 Joy images are available at
and are available as pre coloured images and black and white images for you to colour
JL677 Misteris Music
JL687 Mini Misteri my Flute
JL545 Misteri - Vocalist

I hope you will go over to Inspiration Destination and join in the challenge.

Don't forget to also join in the weekly challenge at Digi Stamps 4 Joy and the monthly Christmas challenge

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:

A Crafty Mess challenge 1 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly patterned paper challenge - anything goes

Party Time Tuesday 190 - anything goes

Through the Craft Room Door - anything goes

Word Art Wednesday 158 - anything goes


  1. I love the theme of music speaking when words fail. It's so very true!

  2. Hi Margaret! Fabulous creations, as always. Thanks so much for sharing your art with us. Have a blessed week!
    Word Art Wednesday

  3. This is very cute and girly-girl! Awesome! So delighted you joined us at our last week's Challenge and hope you join us again for the start of another Challenge today. Leaving you with some encouragement from Psalm 62:5-6 which says, "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Hugs and blessing always!

    JO ANN

  4. this is beautiful Granmargaret!! love those images on the musiccsheet!
    thanks for joining the TTCRD challenges.

  5. Lovely card and such lovely colours thanks for joining us for our first challenge Jane DT x


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