Monday 1 December 2014

Feeling Sketchy challenge 109

Challenge 109 at Feeling Sketchy is free choice and this will run for one month

I have used two digi papers from Daydream Designs Stars that shine papers
Digi Stamps 4 Joy MP356 Christmas Holiday sentiments
Added stars from Scrap Graphics 

I hope you will go over to Feeling Sketchy and see the lovely cards by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add this card into the following challenges

Completely Christmas - anything goes with the twist something beginning with S (stars)

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything goes covered with pattern paper

Inspiration Destination No 9 - anything goes

Penny's Paper Crafty challenge 205 - Anything Goes


  1. Your card is beautiful GranMargaret. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Penny's Paper-Crafty. We would love to see you again ... Anet DTx

  2. What a lovely card Granmargaret. Thanks for joining in the challenge at CHNC Extra for December.

  3. Thank you for entering my CHNC challenge extra for December and my Patterned Paper December challenge with your lovely crafting - hope to see you again soon x


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