Saturday 6 December 2014

This weeks smile

I have been following Annies card blog for a while but just found this blog with her post for this week's smiles.  Have a look at her lovely smiley photos.

I would like to share this lovely photo of my great nephew who is 6 months old.   He was a very premmy baby.

This Santa has a real beard.

I hope you all can find something to smile about this week and come and share.

I copied the following from facebook today.

Today's message for all those pessimists and not confident people out there.


  1. Hi Margaret, lovely photo of your GN and santa (great beard), he's a happy little boy. How did you fair with the storms in Sydney the last few days...we've had a lovely cool, wet day in Gladstone QLD today. Happy Friday Robyn

  2. What a gorgeous little chap :)

  3. Hi. It's always lovely to see new bloggers joining in the week's smiles so thank you for taking the time to link up. I love the photo of your great nephew....what a cutie.
    Annie x

  4. Hi Margaret,
    Where was that Santa photo taken? I have a friend that looks exactly like that Santa.....REALLY!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I read them all and really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I have had to put comment moderation onto my blog as I had some spam messages. I will approve messages as soon as possible.
Anonymous messages are not allowed on this blog.