Wednesday 7 January 2015

Deedee's Digis January challenge

Each month Deedee gives us a free digi stamp set to join in the challenge.

If you haven't already joined in the progressive challenge Deedee is giving everyone this set for free this month.

Everyone who joins the challenge this month will receive a $10 gift code to the shop and the free set for next month.
I used paper, precoloured image and sentiment from the free set Ice Fishing plus paper from Daydream Designs Elegant Snowflakes paper set.

I would also like to enter this card into the following challenges:

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything goes covered with pattern paper

Fan-tastic Tuesday 67 -Anything goes with a twist add some orange (Penguin has orange feet and face and fishing rod, plus orange stripe in the paper)

Word Art Wednesday - anything goes with an encouraging or uplifting sentiment


  1. What a beautiful fun card. I do love the vertical papers and that background paper is a gorgeous shade. That sentiment always makes me stop and think of how true that one it. So glad you could play along with us here at Deedee's DOM. Hope to see you again next month.

  2. I love the background paper you chose for this along with the striped paper that came with the digi set! Cute & fun card! Thanks for joining us over at Deedee's January challenge!

  3. Thank you so much for joining my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper January challenge with your lovely crafting - hope to see you again soon x


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