Monday 12 January 2015

Thank you card - Create with TLC

Paulette from Create with TLC gives lots of freebies away on her blog.  This weekend she offered a thank you sentiment to anyone who would like to make a card and email it to her and then she would send a free vintage image.

I am a bit late finishing my card as I bought another stamp to go with it from her shop

Remember:  Never share digital stamps even if they are free.  If anyone sees your stamp and wants it, direct them to the blog or shop who is giving it away.

I have used paper from Pininkie which I have recoloured in Publisher.
The free sentiment from Create with TLC "Note to thank you"
Create with TLC "Vintage collage"
Music notes from Digital Delights "50's musical set"

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly challenge - anything goes covered with pattern paper

Inkspirational challenge 73 - word prompt note

Inspiration Destination 15 - anything goes


  1. Your card turned out fabulously~!


  2. This is beautiful Margaret! What a fantastic digital project. I am hopeless with digital work. I love the monochromatic colors here and your beautiful use of music and notes. The antique lady is a perfect addition! It is wonderful having you join us at Inkspirational!
    - Shauna

  3. Cool! I have no idea how these things are created... You guys who know how are computer wizards! :) Thanks so much for joining us at Inkspirational. We have just begun with a new challenge, "Ombre". I hope to see you playing along!

  4. Love the papers. Thank you so much for sharing your delightful crafting for my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge for January - hope to see you again soon. x

  5. This is a wonderful interpretation of the Note challenge, Margaret! Congratulations on being a Top Pick at Inkspiration!! Hugs, Darnell


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