Saturday 23 May 2015

Lunagirl Moonbeams and The Cheerful Stamp pad challenge 112 - black and white

Lunagirl Moonbeams and The Cheerful Stamp pad are combining challenges with the theme black and white

I have layered black and white Santa from Lunagirls Santa images onto paper from Pininkie Christmas Black and White paper set.  Added sentiments from Create with TLC.

I would also like to enter this card into the following challenges:

Christmas cards all year round - Vintage

C.R.A.F.T. 312 - Christmas no red or green

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything goes

Jingle Belles - Let it snow


  1. A brilliant card, thank you for joining us again at The Cheerful Stamp Pad, Vee xx DT

  2. I love your Black & White Christmas card! Thanks so much for being part of my 'Black & White' challenge at! Always very pleased to have you along! ~ Karen

  3. Gosh Margaret your beautiful cards are all falling under my allocated commenting number I feel really lucky to be able to see your amazing Christmas cards this one is awesome, I love, love the image and the mono colour theme it looks so lovely and vintage, thank you for joining the challenge at CHNC 2, good luck.
    lorraine x

  4. oooooh i love the black and white color palette on this! what a fun take on our snowy inspiration at JINGLE BELLES! :)

  5. Adorable card, love the theme and looks great in black and white. Thanks for playing along with us at the Cheerful Stamp Pad for the black and white challenge.

  6. this black and white santa creation is very classic looking, I love it! thanks for playing with the black and white challenges hosted this week by both lunagirl moonbeams and the cheerful stamp pad! xo from michele on the DT

  7. That vintage santa image is one of my favorites ... so very glad you *let it snow* with us at Jingle Belles.

  8. What an elegant card, Granmargaret (or should that be Margaret? it's a very special name!) The black and white combo is so sophisticated! Thanks for joining in at CRAFT Challenge!

    love, Mags B (another Margaret!) x

  9. Thanks for sharing your lovely creation for Cheerful Stamp Pad challenge 112, Hazel, DT - hope to see you again soon - thank you also for entering this for my Patterned Paper May challenge,, CHNC extra for May and also CCAYR May challenge x

  10. What a jolly Santa, beautiful image!


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