Tuesday 9 June 2015

Moonflower facebook challenge - Oriental flowers

The June challenge on the Moonflower facebook group is Oriental Flowers

I have embossed yellow card with cuttlebug Plum Blossoms embossing folder.  Added a piece of exotic paper and glitter washi tape.  
Printed out Moonflower digi stamp Oriental Maiden which was a free image with the Moonflower newsletter.  Coloured her with markers and layered on top.  Added rhinestones, sequin flowers and butterfly with sequins.  Layered all onto red card.
If you subscribe to the mailing list  on the Moonflower blog you will receive a free digi with each newsletter.

I would also like to add this card to the following challenges:

Butterfly Challenge - Butterfly + S for sequins (there are sequins on the butterfly plus 3 sequin flowers)

Crafting from the Heart 63 - anything goes

Craft Your Passion 265 - anything goes

Creative Craft Cottage 41 - flowers

Cuttlebug Mania - add bling

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends 11 - anything goes

One Stitch at a time 238 - Anything goes with flowers

Paradise of Stamps 19 - anything goes

The Corrosive Challenge 226 - Pile it on


  1. Gorgeous card Margaret. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Creative Craft Cottage. We would love to see you again … Anet DTx

  2. Gorgeous card. Lovely image and beautifully coloured,fab backing a paper and embossing. Thanks for joining our challenge at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends and we hope you will join us again very soon. Jennifer DT member xx

  3. What a beautiful card Margaret. I love how you have coloured the image. Gorgeous butterfly too. Thankyou for fluttering by # 32. Hugs Mrs A.

  4. Beautiful card |Margaret, such a wonderful image and colouring, hugs Kate x

  5. So pretty, thanks for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage this week, xxx

  6. Gorgeous card ,beautifully coloured !
    Thafs fot joining us at CCC Challenges and good luck !
    Maryvonne DR

  7. Lovely image and great layout. Thanks for joining us at One Stitch at a Time. Good luck. Maggie - DT

  8. hi
    This is gorgeous,fab image and details.xxx
    thanks for joining us at cuttle bug mania
    greetings Lisbeth
    DT-cuttle bug mania

  9. Beautiful - very elegant.

    Thanks for joining us at Crafting from the Heart, Craft Your Passion and Creative Cottage Craft.

    Helen x

  10. Very cute creation. Love the image and the little butterfly you added.

    Sorry I'm late popping by to see this.

    Thanks for playing along with us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends. Hope to see you again soon.
    Lynn, LPCF DT

  11. So sweet and lovely! Thank for joining us at The Corrosive Challenge Blog! Hugs!


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