Sunday 9 August 2015

Exciting news.

I have exciting news.  I am going to be on the design team for a new challenge blog.  The first challenge will be on 3 September - Julia Spiri challenge blog  Some lovely cards are already showcased on the blog.

In the meantime you can join in the first challenge on the Julia Spiri facebook group.
I can't join in the challenge as I am on the design team but I wanted to do a card to show you one of the lovely stamps available in the Julia Spiri shop

I have embossed pink card with Cuttlebug daisies.  Printed Julia Spiri stamp girl with cat onto white card.  Coloured with markers, cut out and layered on top.
Stamped happy birthday, punched out and layered on top.  Added ribbon, punched butterfly, flowers and brads.

I hope that you can join our Julia Spiri facebook group and join in the challenge.

I would like to add this card to the following challenges:

3 Girl Jam August challenge - anything goes with ribbon

CCC digi creations 30 - Pretty in Pink

Crafting by Designs August anything goes challenge

Crafting from the heart 71 - anything goes

Crafting with an Attitude challenge 6 - anything goes

Creative Lady Birds 6 - Anything goes

In the Pink 75 - anything goes as long as it is pink

Penny's Paper Crafty challenge 239 - card for a child

Ruby's Rainbow 110 - something for a little girl

Through the Purple Haze August challenge - flowers


  1. Your card is really fabulous and adorable! I like pink tones.
    Love and Hugs, Julia.

  2. congratulations!
    cute card

  3. a very sweet card!

    thank you so much for playing along with us at ruby's rainbow challenges!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  4. Congratulations on your new DT position, and thanks for letting me know about 'The 12 Months of Christmas Link Up' I have entered my card now. There are so many lovely challenges out there now and I look forward to following this new one too.

  5. Adorable card Margaret. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Penny's Paper-Crafty. We would love to see you again ... Anet DTx

  6. With my other DT hat on. Beautiful card Margaret, love the cue image. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at CCC Digi Creations. We would love to see you again. Anet DT x

  7. Great job! Such an adorable image. Thanks for joining us @ Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge! Hope to see you back again soon :)

  8. Wonderful news Margaret. Succes on your new DT post.
    Nice card.
    Hugs, Veerle

  9. gorgeous card, fab image
    Thank you for joining in our challenge over at In the Pink
    Big hugs kerry xx

  10. Well done on your new DT position - this is a lovely card so I'm glad you shared it. As for the images - I totally agree with you they are lovely! Thank you so much for entering our TTPH (Flowers) challenge this month, lots of luck to you.

    Hugs Sue Pxxx DT

  11. Congratulations and well done xx

  12. Congratulations. Love Julia's images! Great card xx Jan

  13. Cute!!! Thanks for sharing and joining us at 3 Girl JAM!


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