Tuesday 1 September 2015

Digi stamps 4 Joy challenge 116 - Anything goes with the twist girly girls

Challenge 116 at Digi Stamps 4 Joy is Anything goes with the twist girly girls

I have layered Digi Stamps 4 Joy MP390 Flower girl onto paper from Lozzy's fun paper set.  Coloured her with markers.  Added sentiment from Ginger's House blog.  Layered onto white and then pink card.

I hope you will go over to Digi Stamps 4 Joy blog and see the lovely cards by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add this card to the following challenges:

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything goes with pattern paper

Creative Craft Cottage 46 - anything goes

Inspiration Destination 48 - anything goes

Word Art Wednesday - anything family friendly with an encouraging or uplifting verse.


  1. Very pretty card. Hugs Jennifer xx

  2. Very soft sweet and pretty Margaret. Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday, in our 198th challenge.
    Blessings and Hugs, Carole

  3. Lovely card thanks for joining our challenge at Creative Craft Cottageand we hope you join us again soon. Jennifer DT member x

  4. Beautiful card Margaret. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Creative Craft Cottage. We would love to see you again … Anet DTx


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