Monday 30 November 2015

Beccy's Place month of holiday cards day 30

Today is the last day of Beccy's Place month of holiday cards and the theme is do what you love

I love to use stamps, papers, ribbons and other embellishments, but on days like today when the pain in my hands is bad and also I can't see too well to colour I like to make cards with precoloured digi stamps and especially as this challenge closes soon.

I have used pattern paper, precoloured digi stamp and elements from Polkadoodles Angelberry Christmas CD.  I typed the sentiment and I meant to change the colour to red but I have had a few interruptions and I forgot to change it.

Thank you to Beccy for having this month of holiday cards and giving us many ideas for our cards.

I would also like to enter this card into the following:

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Pattern paper challenge- anything with pattern paper

Cute card Thursday - fairies and angels

{PIN] spirational challenge 154 - inspiration photo


  1. Cute image Margaret.Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Your card is very beautiful !
    have a nice day

  3. Very pretty card Margaret, hope the pain in your hands eases soon. Hugs Jennifer xx

  4. Your card is lovely GranMargaret, the colours are so bright and happy... perfect for Christmastime. You've done a wonderful job combining all these images, background designs and sentiments. Fabulous!

  5. Pretty card!!! Thanks so much for participating in our PINSPIRATIONAL challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our challenge in the new year!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper


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