Monday 4 January 2016

Not Just Cards January challenge - anything goes

Not Just Cards (cards are also welcome) January challenge - anything goes

and our wonderful sponsor this month is All Dressed Up who has kindly given us some lovely images to use

I have layered All Dressed Up digi stamp A cuddle makes it all better onto paw print paper from Pininkie and coloured with markers.
Added paw print ribbon and dog brad.  Layered all onto purple card.

I hope you will go over to Not Just Cards and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add this card to the following challenges:

C.R.A.F.T. 344 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything goes with pattern paper

Creative Corner challenges - anything goes

Inspiration Destination 66 - anything goes

Word Art Wednesday 216 - anything goes with an encouraging or uplifting verse


  1. Cute as allways and love the sentiment!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  2. The paw print ribbon is such a great accent for the sweet image. Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday in our 216th- FF AG challenge! Praying you will have a Blessed, Prosperous, Peaceful and Creative 2016, Carole

  3. Great project sentiment is perfect

  4. Fantastic work Margaret love the papers and color. Hugs Tina xx

  5. such a cute card, love the colouring
    Debbi x

  6. So cute this image. Lovely with paw paper end ribbon.
    Thanks for playing with us at Inspiration Destination.
    xxx Michelle (DT)

  7. Wonderful display of this gorgeous card and image used. Love the colours too.xx

  8. This is such a sweet card Margaret. I love the border with the little paws. Thank you so much for entering your card in our challenge. I hope you will play along in our january 15th challenge too.
    greetings, Veerle - DT Creative Corner Challenges


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