Tuesday 19 January 2016

Papercrafting Support Group - facebook sketch challenge

There is a new sketch challenge at Papercrafting Support Facebook Group
 I am at my daughters and don't have any crafting supplies with me so I have made a digital card  It has taken me twice as long as a hand made card.

I have used papers and elements from Digital Scrapbooking Studio.


  1. It was well worth the time Margaret, its gorgeous. Hugs Jennifer xx

  2. Hello!! You did a good job, I was making digital cards before handmede cards and sometimes it take me abot 5-7 ours to do one, from fining all nececary embelishments, to cleaning images, adding bits and all needed :), you shoud try using a shadow when making a digital card, looks more 3D
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥


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