Thursday 24 March 2016

Joined another design team - Jo's Scrap Shack Fun Day Friday - plus update on Lynda

I have good news - I have been added to design team A for Jo's Scrap Shack Fun day Friday challenge blog.  The new design team has been announced today

My first challenge will be 134 on 15 April, 2016.

I have been having worse pain days this week so this helped brighten my days.

I came home on Sunday night after seven weeks staying with my daughter Lynda looking after her.  She has chronic regional pain syndrome in her right leg after a fall in March last year and has been on crutches ever since.  On 19 January she had to have a hysterectomy on the Tuesday afternoon and she came home on the Thursday morning.  On the following Sunday she blacked out and fell and broke her bad leg.  (Thankfully it wasn't her good leg she broke).  Thankfully my other daughter Angela was staying at her house that weekend and called the ambulance.  They operated on her on the Sunday night and put a titanium rod and pins in her leg and she came home the next day.  Angela took a week off work and stayed with her.  She had to go back to the mountains the next week so I went down to Lynda's to help her.

I came back home last Sunday night as Lynda is determined to look after herself (on her crutches) with help from her daughter Sian, and Sian needed her bed back.  Sian is in her final year at school so has important exams this year.   Angela's second daughter Emily has been staying there this week to work at the zoo so she was able help out.   I would appreciate prayers for Lynda as she is still in a lot of pain and not able to walk without the crutches.  Thank you.


  1. Margaret!
    Welcome to my team! It is going to be so much fun working with you and learning more about you! I am honored to have you. :)

    I will definitely keep Lynda in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear of the health issues she is facing but I will pray for strength, mobility and healing for her! You are such a great mom to take care of her.. she's lucky to have you.

  2. Congratulations on your new DT post. Will keep your daughter in my prayers

  3. Congrats on your new Dt position!!
    I hope and pray for you and youre dother ♥
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥


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