Sunday 29 May 2016

Christmas card club - Christmas carol

Rita has picked the theme for the Christmas card club this fortnight - Christmas Carol
I have used paper from Gecko Galz Peppermint Lane paper set
Precoloured images from Gecko Galz Christmas Carols collage sheet
Brad from Digital Scrapbooking Studio.

If you would like to see the cards by the other members of the Christmas club later today their names are listed down the left side of my blog.

I would like to add this card to the following:

Crafty Hazelnut's weekly Christmas Challenge 283 - use a sentiment (This is a sentiment on the picture)

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper


  1. Nice bright card Margaret. Christine x

  2. Love the bright red background with the sweet little carolers and the Carols music score. Lovely card. TFS

  3. Good Morning Margaret. Beautiful card and certainly fits the bill for my challenge. Thank you for joining me in my challenge. Enjoy your week. Hugs Rita xxxx

  4. bright what sweet images Margaret...and the lovely traditional colours...perfect music paper! Margaret (dutchess) xxxx

  5. Aww what a sweet card Margaret, love the background and the little folk singing, Kate x

  6. A super vintage look card reminding me of times gone by in my childhood. Hugs Mrs A.

  7. Lovely Vintage christmas card, love the bright red and image
    Thank you for your lovely entry at Scrapping4funChallenges
    Rachelle DT

  8. great card Margaret - fabulous! Big hugs rachel x

  9. A gorgeous image and super card Margaret.

  10. Super cute card! The image is adorable!
    Thanks for joining us in the PDE linky party challenge!
    Sherrie K
    PDE DT Member

  11. This is lovely, Margaret. The image is such a lovely vintage one and the musical score perfect for our brief!

  12. Lovely layout for your card. Thank you for joining in the challenge at CHNC Extra for May.

  13. Thanks for entering all of my Craftyhazelnut's challenges with your lovely crafting - hope to see you again soon. x

  14. What a fantastic christmas card you made :-))
    Thank you for sharing with us at Scrapping4Fun. Hugs, Andreja

  15. Lovely make for the challenge Margaret. Sorry I'm so late commenting...will meet myself coming back soon! Carol x


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