Friday 24 June 2016

Creative Fingers 112 - anything goes

Creative Fingers challenge 112 anything goes
and our wonderful sponsors this fortnight is
Bugaboo Stamps

I have printed sentiment from Bugaboo Stella Ruin Mood onto white card.  Embossed red card with Cuttlebug swiss dots, cut edge with scallop scissors (a bit crooked) and layered it onto the white card.  Added strips of pattern paper from Memory Keepers Travel Light 6x6 paper pad.
Printed Bugaboo precoloured digi stamp Stella Ruin Mood onto circle from Pininkie, cut out and layered on top.

I hope you will go over to Creative Fingers and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I used Catch the Bug - Stella Says Sketch challenge 410 so I would like add my card to that challenge

I would also like to add this card to the following

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Inspiration Destination No 91 - anything goes


  1. What a fun card Margaret - love how you have made the background. I have found when hand cutting edges it pays me to have a penciled line on the back to cut along, or I get all sorts of detours....

  2. Great card. One of my favorite ladies, Stella. She is so funny and your card is awesome, love the layout. Thanks for sharing over at Inspiration Destination.
    Billie A
    Inspiration Destination
    Catch the bug
    Creative with Stamps
    Aud Sentiments

  3. great Stella card =)it looks wonderful

  4. Fab card hun, love the combo of the design paper with the embossed paper.

    Huggsss, Angelique


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