Friday 10 June 2016

Creative Fingers challenge 111 - anything goes

Challenge 111 at Creative Fingers is anything goes

and our wonderful sponsors this month are 

I have printed Digital Papercraft Fairy and Bear digital stamp and coloured her with chalks, markers and gel pens.  Layered her onto paper from Dragons Lair fairy set and added fairy, ribbons and flowers from the same set.

I hope you will go over to Creative Fingers and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add this card to the following challenges:

2 Creative Chicks showcase 11 - anything goes

Addicted to Stamps 128 - flowers

Artistic Inspirations challenge 158 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Lets Craft and Create 114 - hearts and/or flowers


  1. A really sweet card Margaret. Barbxx

  2. sweet card. Thank you for joining us at Addicted to stamps. hugs

  3. Loely!
    Thanks for joining us at Let's Craft and Create Challenges blog and good luck !
    Maryvonne DT Member

  4. This is a darling card :) Love the soft colors!
    Susan - CF Teamie

  5. cute image and love the delicate colouring---Thank you for joining us at Artistic Inspirations
    Carol DT x

  6. A cute card in lovely colours. Thank you for sharing at Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper. Rebecca x

  7. Lovely card! The image is so sweet! Thank you for joining us at Let's Craft and Create! Good luck!
    Catherine DT


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