Saturday 15 April 2017

Christmas Card Club 8 - Humourous

I am posting this a day early.
It was Valery's turn to pick the the theme for the Christmas Card Club this fortnight and she has chosen humourous.
I hope my card is funny enough

I have used one paper from Lozzy's Christmas paper set and 2 papers from Bugaboo Purple Blue Winter Flowers paper set.Bugaboo digi stamp BugMCC005 Meowy Christmas cats (Bugaboo is in the process of changing to a new shop site so I don't think this stamp is there yet.  There are other cat stamps)

If you would like to see the cards made by the other members of the Christmas Card club, have a look tomorrow night.  Their blogs are listed down the left side of my blog.

I have used the sketch from the Stella Says Sketch challenge 507 so I would like to add this card to that challenge

I rotated the sketch

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Snowflakes Promise 39 - anything goes

CCEE Stampers 1715 - National humour month

Crafting with an Attitude 26 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything Christmas

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper


  1. Great card for Mrs A's challenge. Christine x

  2. Super image Margaret, and a brilliant fun card, Kate x

  3. A lovely image Margaret, I love cats and these Christmasy ones are purrr-fect :)

  4. Happy Easter Margaret
    what fun images always seem to find such great stuff......hope you are enjoying your easter sunday xxx

  5. Great cards Margaret. Love those cats. Happy Easter to you. Hugs Rita xxxx

  6. Love the card, Margaret. Lovely colours. Hugs, Shaz Xxx

  7. Fun cats are always a winner! They work well for your sketch too! Zx

  8. Happy Easter Margaret. Such a cute image and fun card. Carol x

  9. Another wonderful card. Thank you for sharing with us at Craftyhazelnut’s Christmas Challenge Extra - Myrna DT. Also check out Crafty Hazelnut’s Christmas Challenge - a weekly “themed” Christmas Challenge & Craftyhazelnut’s Patterned Paper Challenge - a monthly Patterned Paper Challenge

  10. Great card - thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge and we hope to see you again next month.

    Helen x

  11. Two great, fun and funny cards!


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