Wednesday 5 April 2017

More Mixed Media April challenge - yellow

More Mixed Media April challenge - yellow use a little or a lot

Coloured A4 canvas with black, yellow and blue Ecoline brush pens and sprayed with water.
Stamped music stamp
Used two stencils with moulding paste and yellow paint.
The Stamping Boutique digi stamp Max coloured with markers and sponged with yellow distress ink.
Stamped music stamp onto yellow card and put behind sentiment from Gingers House blog
Added music washi tape and silver and gold glitter washi tape
I made this canvas for my future son-law Tim for Christmas 2016 but kept the photo for this challenge.

I hope you will go over to More Mixed Media and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.


  1. Margaret you did a FANTASTIC job on this canvas!!!! Music absolutely moves my soul... I couldn't live without it in my life. This is beautiful, with all that beautiful color and texture. Lovely job hon!

  2. Great canvas, Granmargaret. I'm sure that your future son-in-law was very appreciative of this very cool and personal gift. Thanks for playing along at STAMPlorations Mixed Media Challenge for April.

  3. Lovely pages Margaret. Thanks for joining us at the STAMPlorations Mixed Media Challenge this time and apologies for being late with my comments. Carol DT x

  4. Fab piece Margaret! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh wow Margaret...the background is so beautiful and cheerful! I am sure your son-in-law loves this special gift. Thanks so much for playing along with us again at STAMPlorations April Mixed Media Challenge :)
    Hugs and smiles,
    STAMPlorations Mixed Media Design Team
    Qinaahana Arts & Crafts {My Personal Blog}

  6. A great the dramatic colour palette..really eye catching...x

  7. Fabulous canvas. love the colours and the sentiment! Thank you for sharing with us at Altered Eclectics this month. Sammy-x

  8. fabulous artwork, really bright and sunny! Thanks so much for joining us at We Love 2 Create this time
    Claire xx

  9. love those cheerful background colors - thanks for sharing your fabulous project at the STAMPlorations Mixed Media Challenge

  10. Great project! Thanks for joining us at Love To Craft! Challenge Blog! Hope to see you again soon!!
    Ann DT


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