Sunday 28 May 2017

Digistamps4Joy - New Release

Today is New Release day at Digistamps4Joy

I have used Digistamps4Joy precoloured digi JL852c Ula.  (You can also buy this as a black and white digi to colour)
Sentiment from Gingers House Blog
Paper from We are 3 Nature Blends paper set
Doily and flowers from Digital Scrapbooking Studio

If you go over to the blog you can see some lovely work by the design team with some of the new images.

Don't forget to join the challenge on the blog

and we also invite you to join the facebook group

I would like to add this card to the following:

Country View challenges - flower power

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Creative Ladybirds 26 - anything goes

Making Memories 5 - anything goes

Eclectic Ellapu - anything goes

Your Scrapbook Place - anything goes


  1. lovely image and words thanks for sharing with CLC Rachel DT

  2. Such a beautiful card and lovely image. Thank you for joining our Anything Goes challenge at MMC. Hope to see you again soon.

    Sonia DT
    Making Memories Crafting
    Digitally Made

  3. awesome work, thanks for sharing your creations with us at YSBP this month!

  4. Thanks for joining in again Margaret, and I hope that tomorrow brings all that you desire. Thanks from CVC.

  5. This is lovely.
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge. Hope to see you again soon. Sorry I am late commenting.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I read them all and really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I have had to put comment moderation onto my blog as I had some spam messages. I will approve messages as soon as possible.
Anonymous messages are not allowed on this blog.