Thursday 29 June 2017

Digital Scrapbooking Studio beach ball challenge 4

Digital Scrapbooking Studio had scrap and chat on the four Saturdays in June.  I managed to download the links for the last three and managed to join the chat on the last one.

I did two layouts for the last challenge

I used the papers and elements and the prompts from the last week.   I didn't add any photos for the first layout.  For the second layout I used a photo of my second grand daughter.  Her birthday surprise for her 18th birthday was a weekend trip to Queensland and a Rhino encounter at Australia Zoo and a day as a seal trainer at Underwater World Sea Life, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

I would like to add this layout to the following:

Always Fun challenge 12 - fun at the beach

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Make My Monday 49 - summer brights


  1. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Always Fun Challenges, good luck!!! Amy DT

  2. Beautiful layouts Margaret, love the marine themes and the photo of your grand daughter.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  3. Gorgeous pages, ideal summer days. Thank you for joining us at Make My Monday. Emma


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