Tuesday 1 August 2017

Gecko Galz challenge - By the Shore

The challenge for this month at Gecko Galz is By the Shore

I have embossed dark blue card with Cuttlebug Divine Swirls embossing folder.
Printed coloured image from Gecko Galz By the Shore Collage set, cut out and layered on top.  Added sun and fish brad and punched dolphins.
I found some shells in a box in the shed that we collected many years ago when my girls were small and I added some of them.

I hope you will go over to Gecko Galz and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

Craftaholics R Us 29 - anything goes

Crafting from the Heart 170 - anything goes

Creative Moments 123 - anything goes/summer fun

Day Dreamer challenge 1 - anything goes

Simply Papercraft 49 - anything goes


  1. Love the seashells. Cute! Thanks for sharing at Craftaholics R Us.
    ~Owner/DT Janis

  2. This is one sweet card!!! Hugs, LJ

  3. Such a lovely summer card!

    Thank you for sharing your creative talent at our challenge at Creative Moments, good luck!
    Looking forward to see you at the next challenge

    DT member at Creative Moments
    Diana's Creations

  4. nice project, love that image it is sooo cute

  5. Beautiful card, just lovely for our new first challenge of Day Dreamer Anything Goes Challenges. Thanks for sharing cheers Sue N (DDC DT member)


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